Coordination of Multi-Stakeholder Process Networks in a Highly Electrified Chemical Industry
Qi Zhang
Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, University of Minnesota
Abstract: FIPSE-6-Short-3a Zhang
Process Electrification and its Cross-Dependencies with the Power Grids
Iiro Harjunkoski
Hitachi Energy / Aalto University
Abstract: FIPSE-6-Short-3b Harjunkoski
Integrated Production Planning-Scheduling in Smart Grid Systems
Yachao Dong
Dalian University of Technology, PRC
Abstract: FIPSE-6-Short-3c Dong
Operating Process Plants without Fossil Fuel Combustion: Challenges and Opportunities from a Control Systems Perspective
Mehmet Mercangöz
Imperial College London
Abstract: FIPSE-6-Short-3d Mercangöz
The Role of Process Flexibilization in an Isolated, Renewable Electricity Market
Isaac Severinsen1, Isuru Udagama1, Christoph Bayer2, Brent Young1
1Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, University of Auckland, New Zealand
2Department of Process Engineering, TH Nuernberg, Nuernberg, Germany
Abstract: FIPSE-6-Short-3e Young